I'm Marc. In 2007 I cycled from Turkey through the Silkroad countries to Tibet and further. With this website you can join me on my travels, catch the ride!
Contact:29.03.08 19:00h, Gaststätte Schwenk, Bayreuth
04.04.08 20:00h, Museum Oud-Overschie, Overschie
24.05.08 19:00h, Wereldfietser weekend, Twente
01.05.08 19:00h, Radforum Treffen 2008, Dahn
31.05.08 19:00h, Wereldfietser Voorjaarsweekend, Leersum
28.01.09 20:00h, Nederlandse Vereniging Bayreuth, Bayreuth
Water (W) and food (F)-Tabriz-Tehran for Google Earth
My worldtour as GPS data for Google Earth
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